What makes Fibre better than Cable?

There are several reasons why fibre optic internet connections are generally considered to be superior to copper-based connections:

Speed: Fibre optic cables are capable of transmitting data at much faster speeds than copper cables. This is because fibre optic cables use light to transmit data, which allows them to transmit data over long distances without suffering from signal degradation. Copper cables, on the other hand, are limited by the speed of electricity and are more prone to signal degradation over long distances.

Bandwidth: Fibre optic cables have a much larger bandwidth than copper cables, which means they are capable of transmitting more data at once. This can be important for applications that require a lot of bandwidth, such as streaming video or online gaming. This is why FibreTel offers Symmetrical speeds (the same speed up and down), while others like Shaw cannot.

Durability: Fibre optic cables are more durable and less prone to damage than copper cables. They are immune to electrical interference and are not affected by temperature or moisture. Copper cables are more vulnerable to physical damage and can be affected by electrical interference, which can cause signal degradation.

Distance: Fibre optic cables can transmit data over much longer distances than copper cables. This makes them well-suited for use in long-haul telecommunications networks and for connecting remote locations.

Overall, fibre optic internet connections offer a number of advantages over copper-based connections, including faster speeds, greater bandwidth, and improved durability and distance. These factors make fibre optic connections a popular choice for businesses and other organizations that require fast, reliable internet access.