
SafeSearch can help you filter explicit content from search results. Explicit results include sexually explicit content like pornography, violence, and gore.

Smart Content Filter is able to offer Google, Bing, and YouTube SafeSearch options. Smart Content Filter simply forces the use of the features already provided by these services. SafeSearch cannot be overridden by the endusers if the SafeSearch options are enabled in your Filtering Policy (and you ensure that users are using our service for DNS).

SafeSearch Precedence

Enabling the SafeSearch options for a policy will override any blocking for the affected sites that would normally be blocked by the "Search Engines & Portals" category.

If you truly wish to ensure that Google, Bing, etc are blocked, you must disable the SafeSearch toggle(s) on the policy.

The same warning applies to YouTube (normally blocked by the "Entertainment" category)


Read more about each SafeSearch offering below: